为什么要购买Quick Pass Master房地经纪牌照多功能考题本?
在UBC 1000道考题的基础上额外增加200道房地产交易考题,给你更多的练习。
我们的攻略为你列出了UBC 1000道考题中没有涵盖的考点,让你全面掌握所有考点(重点考点)!
Quick Pass Master考试攻略和UBC考试攻略的区别
Quick Pass Master考试攻略
- 1000道考题按章节和关联性排列
- 完成每个章节后,快速回顾本章重点并自我测试(考题本身往往能够很好地总结重点)。
- 对相关考题进行比较和对比。
- 列出UBC 考试攻略中没有的章节板块/概念/考点
- 列出最新的考试题型告诉你哪些考题已经被稍微改动、完全改写,甚至完成删除。
UBC 考试攻略
- 1000道考题随机排列
- 不是理想的学习工具;学完一章后无法自我测试;难以关联和练习相关概念。
- 没有分析考试覆盖的内容
- 不列出哪些是新出的考题
- 不告诉你哪些考题已被删除或修改
只需$188即可购买QUICK PASS MASTER考试攻略
- 你想先了解自己不熟悉的章节和知识,并优先专注学习这些内容,大量节省学习时间
- 你想要额外的练习,提升考试通过率
- 你擅长自学,可以自我测评,确保自己足够了解考试资料
- 你有相关的商业或法律背景,并对考试资料有一定的掌握
- 你在之前的学习或工作中已经深入了解考试资料
- 自学者,需要老师指导,想要轻松通过考试
- 需要简单明了的可视化教学,帮助你了解房地产法律和房贷相关计算
- 还没有了解这门课程的主要概念,只想通过学习这本考试指南来备考
- 如果你属于以上情况,不妨考虑订阅我们的课程,或者购买我们的讲义!详情请看以下内容:
房地产交易(房地产经纪人)录制视频课程 $680
在线视频包含所有章节, 并赠送一堂线上直播的总复习。
- 一共26个章节, 一学期约36~10个小时课时
- 可在6个月内24小时随时随地看线上视频
- 视频课程里会抽出一部分代表性模拟考题做详细分析
- 课程PDF讲义总结26个章节的知识点
- 1次总复习和问答直播。(总复习做考点,难点, 重点, 以及最新考题总结)
房地产交易(房地产经纪人)线上直播课程 $750
- 一学期约50个小时课时, 每堂课约2~2.5个小时, 考点覆盖率高达95%以上
- 可在32周内到不同时间段的班去学习 (白天班, 晚班, 周末班)
- 一共26个章节, 线上直播约90%的章节 + 简单的10%的章节看24小时线上视频
- 课程内容有模拟考题练习、
- 每课直播实时问答、
- 课程PDF讲义和其他在线教学内容、
- 微信学生群组、
- 1次总复习和问答直播 (总复习做考点,难点, 重点, 以及最新考题总结)、
- 学习助理和
- 地产公司在线招募。
房地产交易讲义(总结摘要)非会员 $200 非会员价
- 全彩视觉设计 (95%以上的章节全彩)
- 约300页的PDF 电子档
- 讲义包含重点,考点,图表总结,流程图。由超过十年教学和实践经验的行业专家,所总结收纳的速过讲义
《 QPM地产执照考试攻略》由Benson Wang编写。 Benson于2011年成立Quick Pass Master,该系列课程也已帮助数千学生通过了BC地产执照的考试,QPM更在Google上获得数百个5星好评!
- Benson钟情于教学,乐于帮助学员成长;作为房地产经纪人,他在BC省屡获殊荣
- Benson通过努力和毅力建立了自己的房地产事业,并热衷于扶持更多有潜力的人才。


Nancy Wang
I highly recommend QuickMaster School for anyone preparing for their real estate licensing exam in BC. Teacher Benson has been in the real estate exam training industry for many years and consistently updates his knowledge base and teaching methods to stay current with industry changes. His training is especially helpful for second-language speakers like myself, making the licensing process much easier to navigate. The structured approach, clear explanations, and well-designed materials provide a strong foundation for exam success. Thanks to QuickMaster School, I was able to pass my exam with confidence!”

Sahil Gupta
I recently completed the Broker Exam course with Benson Sir (Quick Pass Master), and I am extremely impressed with the experience. The course material is absolutely top-notch—comprehensive, well-structured, and easy to understand. Benson Sir has done an excellent job breaking down complex concepts into understandable sections. Benson Sir was always quick to respond to any questions or concerns, offering clear and helpful explanations. Thanks to this course, I passed the Broker Exam on my first attempt. I highly recommend Benson Sir's Quick Pass Master to anyone looking to prepare for the exam.
Great lessons and tutorials - Benson and his team is knowledgeable, professional and effective. I have nothing but the most positive experience in interacting with their classes. I can see the experience and the strategies in each one of their classes. Highly recommended!
Vince YMay 2020
Good Lectures and very helpful and lots of the examples during the lectures easy to memorize the key points for exam, really worth the money.
JoeyMarch 2022
This is the best real estate school in Great Vancouver. Benson and other instructors are very experienced and knowledgeable. They also keep the classes effective, engaging and fun !!!
MichealSeptember 2018