

Benson Wang has extensive sales background from a graphic business manager since 2005 to a signage consultant since 2007, and was one of the sales directors for a famous home product wholesaler in 2008. He became a real estate agent with RE/MAX Master in 2010, and changed to Sutton Group West Coast Realty in 2011 until he joined New Coast Realty in December 2012. He is one of the few real estate agents who possess both real estate and mortgage licenses. Moreover, he became a team member of Medallion Club in 2011. He has received Sutton Platinum Award in 2011 and has been recognized as an ASA® Accredited Senior Agent in 2011 and 2012. In 2012, he also passed the exam, met the requirements of the completed deal amount and acquired another professional designation ABR® (Accredited Buyer Representative). He has also passed the rental property management pre-licensing exam with 90% at his first attempt in the beginning of 2013. He is ranked as the Top 4 Producer among over 150 licensed agent in New Coast Realty in 2013. Three of his students in New Coast Realty were ranked as the Top 10 agents in 2013. Benson has trained over 800 real estate, mortgage, and rental pre-licensee students since 2011. He is a well-known real estate teacher in the Chinese community in Greater Vancouver.

Benson Wang有多年的銷售背景。從2005年開始做平面設計的銷售經理, 到2007年的招牌業務員。他曾經在2008年是北美一間最大家具批發商Direct Buy的銷售總監(Sales Director)。 Benson從2010年開始成為RE/MAX Masters 的地產經紀, 在2011年轉到Sutton Group West Coast Realty。並在2012年12月轉到New Coast Realty。Benson是少數持有雙牌照的地產經紀(同時持有地產跟房屋貸款牌照)。他在2011年成為百萬圓桌團隊會員, 並在同年取得Sutton的銷售獎。他不僅是2011跟2012年的ASA® (Accredited Senior Agent), 也是2012的特許買家經紀ABR® (Accredited Buyer Representative)。Benson也在2013年一月以90分的高分一次通過了租業管理牌照的考試認證。Benson於2013年被新海岸地產評價為前四強經紀. 在2013年中,Benson教出了三位在新海岸地產排名前十強的經紀. Benson在2011年跟2013年間培訓了超過800個地產, 物業管理跟房貸仲介的學生, 他在大溫地區也是知名度最高的華人地產老師

在華麗的廣告詞, 都比不上真實的成交紀錄. Benson的學生當中, 有三位在一年內成為新海岸地產2013年前10強. 跟我們站在一起領獎的有知名大經紀張起妤, 與2011年得過加拿大華人十大傑出女性跟多年銷售獎的羽晨, 以及2013年新起的新秀大經紀Sandra Li 李靜. (New Coast Realty’s Top Producers’s Award Ceremony in 2013. Out of the Top 10 Producers, 3 are Benson’s students)
Benson在2013年僅已9個月的時間成為新海岸地產150多個經紀當中的第四名Benson ranked as the Top 4 Producer among more than 150 real estate agents in 2013 in New Coast Realty.


Benson導師的考牌班常常爆滿, 為自2011年大溫地區華人地產考牌學生最多, 最受華人學生歡迎的地產輔導老師 (The most popular Chinese speaking Real Estate Re-licensing tutor/teacher/instructor in Greater Vancouver since year 2011)


(2013年地產考牌列治文教室圖片Richmond classroom)






