BC Real Estate Trading Licence Exam Study Guide
- The MUST-HAVE Exam Study Guide that will save you hundreds of hours of studying.
- Perfect for fast learners or experienced professionals looking to FAST TRACK the real estate trading course exam.
- Plus MORE time saving features that gives you the EXTRA EDGE.
- Buy now for only $188!
Why Use the Quick Pass Master Exam Study Guide?
More Practice Questions
200 extra exam questions to give you the additional practice you need, on top of UBC’s 1000 questions
Practice By Chapter as You Study
Our test questions are grouped by chapter, section and concept. Quiz yourself as you learn. Save time and reinforce your memory.
Know Your Weakness
If you got something wrong, you know what the sections to focus on. Skip what you already know and save time.
Know What’s Missing
Our guide lists out the exact sections that are not covered in the UBC’s 1000 Question book, so you don’t miss the testing points (key points)!
Know what Changed
Our guide compares the changes in UBC’s course manual and study guide so you know what topics get more or less emphasis, and know what’s new and what’s been deleted in the 1000 question book
Quick Pass Master Exam Study Guide and UBC Study Guide
Quick Pass Master Exam Study Guide
- 1000 exam questions grouped by chapter, concept & sections
- Quickly revise & test yourself on key points as you finish each chapter (Exam questions are frequently the good summary of the key points)
- Make comparison and contrast between related questions
- Shows what chapter sections / concepts / testing points are missing on the UBC Exam Study Guide
- Shows what the newest exam questions are, and can tell what old questions have been revised lightly, significantly or removed
UBC Study Guide
- 1000 exam questions in random order
- Not a natural study companion. Difficult to test your knowledge right after finishing each chapter. Difficult to relate and practice relevant concepts.
- No analysis on exam coverage
- Does not show what the new questions are
- Does not tell you what’s the deleted or revised questions
Get the Quick Pass Master Exam Study Guide for Only $188
It took hundreds of hours to group and categorize everything down to section and concept. We spent the time on it so you don’t have to! And with this, you can save many weeks of studying.
Sneak Peak - Free Preview
Is the Exam Study Guide Right For Me?
The QPM Exam Study guide is perfect for you if:
- You want to save time by figuring out what chapter & sections you have trouble with, and focusing on those
- You want extra practice while you study to increase your chance of passing
- You are comfortable with self-studying and want to test yourself to make sure you know the materials well enough
- You already have a business / law background and have some grasp of course materials.
- You already know a lot of the materials from prior education or work
The QPM Exam Study guide not for you if:
- You are self-studying and need an instructor to help you get through the course with ease
- You need assistance in visualizing real estate laws and mortgage math in simple and smart ways
- You do not already know the main concepts of the course and expect to only study off the exam study guide
- If this is you — consider subscribing to our course or purchase the handout notes instead! See below.
If you’re really struggling with the course, do not worry! Try our classes instead:
Real Estate Trading Online Course $680
- Online pre-recorded videos that take ONLY 35-40 hours to cover all chapters, walk through most important exam questions and quizzes
- Final exam review via online live session or pre-recorded video (2~3 hours)
- Tutoring for all assignments
- 6-month membership access to our online platform and support
- Trading handout (summary notes) in PDF format, Containing key points, testing points, summary charts, flow charts, relationship charts prepared by industrial expert who has over 10-year practicing and teaching experience
Real Estate Trading Online Course + Live Math Classes $850
- Online pre-recorded videos that take ONLY 35-40 hours to cover all chapters, walk through most important exam questions and quizzes
- Final exam review via online live session or pre-recorded video (2~3 hours)
- Tutoring for all assignments
- 6-month membership access to our online platform and support
- 6-8 hours of online live interactive small group classes and help on mortgage math topics
- Trading handout (summary notes) in PDF format
Real Estate Trading (REALTOR®) Course Notes Handout for Non-Member $200
- Course notes for all chapters in the course. Summarizes key concepts of each chapter. See samples here.
- Full color visual design for most chapters
- Course notes sent to you electronically in PDF so you can get the course materials quickly and seamlessly
- Containing key points, testing points, summary charts, flow charts, relationship charts prepared by industrial expert who has over 10-year practicing and teaching experience
About Benson - Your Trusted Real Estate Insider
The QPM Exam Study Guide is prepared by Benson Wang. Benson started Quick Pass Master in 2011, which has helped thousands of students pass the BC licensing exams and earned hundreds of 5 star reviews.
- Benson enjoys teaching, helping others learn and is an award winning real estate agent in British Columbia.
- Benson built his real estate career through hard work and determination and is passionate about helping others do the same.

Quick Pass Master Testimonials

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