You don’t find the course material too difficult, but math is your weakness. You need help improving your math skills to pass the exam. You’re not alone; many people struggle with the math chapters required to pass the BC real estate exam. Most people aren’t born natural math whizzes.

If you are stuck on
math questions in the
real estate exam, we
can help:

  • Math was never your strength
  • Calculating principal, interest, outstanding balance, and closing adjustments makes your head spin
  • You have grave concerns that your math skills may limit your chances of passing the exam
  • You are struggling to understand the math assignments required in the course curriculum

Are the math chapters the only thing standing in your way of passing the BC real estate exam? You’re not alone.

A lot people find this type of math hard to grasp. Thankfully, Quick Pass’ personal tutoring and easy to understand course.

Materials break the mathematical concepts down into simple steps, helping you to master the work and pass your exam.

Let’s face it; for most people, math is not their favourite subject.

The Quick Pass Master courses have carefully broken down all required mathematical concepts into simple steps that make learning math a breeze.

No matter how frustrated or hopeless you may feel, Quick Pass Master can help you learn the required math to pass this exam in a way that is pain-free and understandable.

How Quick Pass Master can help:

You hate exams; they put you under immense pressure.

You feel nervous during exams.

You freeze during exams, causing your mind to go blank.

You have to answer 100 questions in 3 hours. That means only 1.8 minutes to complete each question. You feel you can’t do it!

You don’t know what to expect from the exam, and that increases your stress.

You might need to wear medical mask during the exam during COVID-19 pandemic, which makes your brain lack oxygen.