1. 註冊UBC線上課程
2. 註冊Quick Pass Master考牌學校
3. 完成UBC的作業
4. 向UBC證明英語成績:
a. 本地大學畢業證書
b. 參加CELPIP英语考试,并达到level-7
5. 跟UBC預約考試
6. 註冊政府的強制實習課程,并完成
Part 1 & Part 2
7. 提供無犯罪記錄證明
8. 尋找可掛牌的地產公司
9. 此時,您可以申請臨時牌照了(可以買賣房屋了)
10. 完成最後的Part 3 & Part 4強制實習課程
11. 拿到正式牌照
1. 地產經紀牌(Real Estate Trading)
2. 貸款經理牌(Mortgage Brokerage)
3. 租業管理牌(Rental Property)
4. 經紀經理牌(Broker’s Licensing)
5. 地產建商牌課程(Builder License)
6. 英语CELPIP考试辅导课程
UBC的地產買賣服務牌照課程(Real Estate Trading Services Licensing Course)。
費用: $1,150
包含: 課本、作業本、練習本、第一次的紙本考試 (未通過第二次需付費)
不包含: 財經計算機、電腦考試
考試: 共3小時、100選擇題,平均一道题只有1.8分钟。、兩次機會、可選擇紙本或電腦考試、若第一次失敗需等90天
笔考的好处是你不需另外交钱, 但schedule 是固定的, 而且你必须要提前一个月预约。考完试后要等3个星期才能有成绩。
电脑考要交$125. 考试费。 但可以选择你自己的考试日期。而且第二天就能知道成绩。
作業: 共20份作業、每週只能個別交2兩個作業。
內容: 會計結算表(financial statements)、按揭借貸(mortgage finance)、地產稅項(local taxation on real estate)、建築基本情況(building construction)、借貸法律(law of mortgages)、合約法律(law of contracts)、估價元素(elements of appraisal)、地產代理法律(law of agency)和業權及土地登記(title registration of land and local government)
費用: 第一次 $1660、續 $1330
包含: 2年的有效牌照、保險。
不包含: “必修”為期5天的住宅買賣應用課程(Residential Trading Services Applied Practice Course),學費$875+稅。
政府強制實習課程 (Residential Trading Services Applied Practice Course)
費用: $875+稅 (有強制實習課的只有realtor)
包含: 所有相關教材。
為期: 約5個月 (Part 1:兩週線上課程 + Part 2:兩天實體課程 + Part 3:四個半月的線上作業 + Part 4:一天實體課程)。
- 註冊應
Part 1
- 線上課
Part 2
- 實體課 程2天
- 找到可 以掛牌 的公司
Part 3
- 線上作
Part 4
- 實體課
Why Quick Pass Master
Our courses help you pass the UBC Real Estate Exams quickly and easily.
Save Hundreds of Hours to Study Time
Save hundrds of hours of reading the 800+page UBC textbook.
Pass More Easily With Our Courses
Specially designed courses with enhanced notes and practice question gives you prep work needed to pass exams.
Focus on Career, Not Studying For an Exam
Succeeding real estate is not about studying. Don’t let the exam get in the way of networking and other career-building activities.
How Does Our Courses Help You Pass?
1. Enhanced Course Notes & Study Materials
Our team has spent thousands of hours creating course notes that are easy to understand and learn.
2. Detailed Walk-through By Online Video
Our online classes walks through every section of the UBC course in-detail. We will quiz you throughout the class to make sure you get the concept.
3. Mock Exam & Final Exam Review Session
Practice, practice, practice! Our courses include a final exam review session and a mock exam to help you pass the real exam.
4. Instructor Assistance If You Are Stuck
Our instructors are here for you if you are stuck. Extra live help for math chapters available. No wonder Quick Pass Master students have such a high pass rate!

Testimonials By Our Students
Quick Pass Master’s results speaks for itself. We have successfully taught thousands of students who passed the exam.
Quick Pass Master Testimonials

Real People, Real Testimonials

Brandon: “Teacher Benson, my score is out. Got 95%”
Benson: Congrats on passing UBC trading with 95%. Today is July 11, 2019. You ONLY learned one moth.”
Benson: Did you study hard on UBC’s book?
Brandon: Only read 7 / 8 chapters. The rest did not read.
Brandon: I remember my first class was in June.

Beibei: I passed, thank you
Benson: congrats to Beibei on passing UBC’s trading exam. Yesterday was July 26, 2019. Did you read UBC’s thick book carefully?
Beibei: Thank you Benson. Teacher you taught well!
Beibei: Did not read UBC’s thick book at all.
Thousands of Students Passed Their UBC Real Estate Exam With Quick Pass Master.
Do You Really Want to Spend An Extra Thousand Hours Studying?
About Benson - Your Trusted Real Estate Insider
The QPM Exam Study Guide is prepared by Benson Wang. Benson started Quick Pass Master in 2011, which has helped thousands of students pass the BC licensing exams and earned hundreds of 5 star reviews.
- Benson enjoys teaching, helping others learn and is an award winning real estate agent in British Columbia.
- Benson built his real estate career through hard work and determination and is passionate about helping others do the same.

Our courses will help you propel your career by saving you time and energy through proven course materials and teaching methods.
You should be spending time on building up your client network, not worrying about how to finish a 800-page textbook.